May Days in Hong Kong:Riot and Emergency in 1967博客來網路書店指名首選
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內容簡介: In this study of the anti-colonial riots which erupted in Hong Kong in May 1967, the authors of May Days in Hong Kong shed new light on their causes, their impact on future government policy and on Sino-British relations, and their legacy for Hong Kong society and governance, and the people of the territory.
This is the first sustained exploration of the anti-colonial campaign that was inspired by the Cultural Revolution in China, recent events in Macao, and fuelled by inequalities in Hong Kong society. The riots presented a sustained challenge to British authority. As leftist-led demonstrations evolved into a terrorist bombing campaign, the British security response was also markedly strengthened. Using recently opened archival records, the authors explore the course of the events, their international and imperial contexts, and their connection to the upheaval in China, and Britain’s own changing world role. The events of 1967 are also grounded in the wider sweep of Hong Kong’s history.
The second part of the book presents testimonies from Hong Kong residents, participants in different ways in the unfolding events, which speak to the salience of 1967 in Hong Kong’s popular memory. There has been an awkward silence about this episode for almost forty years, and this book begins to normalize discussion about it, and its place in Hong Kong, Chinese and British imperial history.
The readership will include scholars and students studying Hong Kong, Chinese and Bri博客來tish imperial history and politics, as well as a popular readership interested in Hong Kong history, society and politics.
信貸作者簡介Robert BickersRobert Bickers is a professor of history in the School of Humanities, University of Bristol. A scholar of Sino-British relations, the history of Shanghai and of the British presence in China, his books include Empire Made Me: An Englishman Adrift in Shanghai.
Ray Yep博客來網路書店Ray Yep is an associate professor in the Department of Public and Social Administration, City University of Hong Kong. He is the author of Manager Empowerment in China: Political Implications of Rural Industrialization in the Reform Era.
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- 出版社:香港大學出版社 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2009/09/01
- 語言:英文
May Days in Hong Kong:Riot and Emergency in 1967博客來網路書店指名首選
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May Days in Hong Kong:Riot and Emergency in 1967博客來網路書店指名首選